Our brand


The freshness of citruses and the sharpness of red pepper, broken by the sweetness of hazelnut, whipped cream and... rose! But this is not the end. The nymph perfumes surprise with the exceptional sweetness of vetiver and patchouli, which constitute the base note in this composition. The combination of spiciness and refreshing notes complemented by incredible sweetness resulted in the creation of a fragrance that will take you to another dimension!

The fragrance is intended for strong and courageous women. For those who know exactly what they want and how to achieve it. Nymph is ideal for those who prefer non-standard solutions - the combination of stunning sense of sharp scent with captivating sweet notes is the essence of femininity. Charming, beautiful, subtle, seductive, mysterious and at the same time having both feet on the ground - we have developed the Nymph series for this kind of women!

As a maker of perfumes, we provide much more than beautifully fragrant, seductive compositions. It is also a perfect way to express yourself, emphasize your femininity and jump into the mysterious world of unusual aromas and feelings.

  • Head note: grapefruit, red pepper
  • Heart note: whipped cream, rose, hazelnut
  • Base note: patchouli, vetiver

The perfumes are available in elegant 100ml starred bottles that emphasize their unique, exclusive character.

MAYbe Cosmetics is a thriving cosmetic company with over 20 years of experience. Our key product range includes perfumes as well as toilet and fragrance waters. We also produce cosmetics under our customer’s own label.


MAYbe Cosmetics
Karmelowa 11, 71-218 Bezrzecze, Poland
Phone: +48 660 740 180 oraz +48 696 542 690

Obecnie realizujemy projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego 2014-2020 Oś Priorytetowa 1 Gospodarka, Innowacje, Nowoczesne Technologie, Działanie 1.15 Wsparcie kooperacji przedsiębiorstw. Tytuł projektu: „Promocja produktów firmy Maybe Cosmetics na rynkach międzynarodowych”. Wartość projektu: 194 369,00 PLN. Wysokość dofinansowania: 85 %